Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I know

How smart are you? - The Dumb Test
63.7/100Rate My - Rate my life
Well I am too depressed suffering from writers block. This will have to do as a post - The disease test

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Things that will be useful

This is some thing that just might help with my relationship with my daughter

The Ten Commandments for dads with cool tweens or teens

1. Thou shalt not make any small talk with random strangers in line at the grocery, for this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

2. Remember thou art for transportation and money purposes only. Any other attempts at relevancy shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

3. Thou shalt not attempt to engage guest teens riding in thou's vehicle in either verbal or eye contact, yet, thou shall neither be totally quiet in said vehicle, either, for thou shall be deemed "weird", and, this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

4. Thou shalt not covet thine own small electronics, for they are no longer really thou's, and, any attempt to retrieve them from teen shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

5. Even though thou knows better, thou shalt try thou's hardest to refrain from emitting the words. "Fella, ella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh", when female teen is talking about boys for this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

6. Thou shalt not make any reference in public that thou has driven the teen to an event lest anyone find out that the 13 year old didn't drive herself to said event for this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

7. Thou shalt not play music of any kind that can be heard outside the car if thou is engaging in any activity such as a picnic near the car for this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

8. Thou shalt not perform any cheerleading moves in public despite their effectiveness for getting said teen to do what you ask for this actually might affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

9. Though shalt not converse with or otherwise acknowledge a teacher outside of school business, even when said teacher is an actual friend for this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

10. Thou seriously shalt not ask, "Where are they going?" when teen says two people are "going out" for this is not nearly as amusing to the teen and this shall affect the teen's reputation in a negative way.

Thanks to busy mom whom i stole opps I mean lifted this form
Mac Out

I don't like surprises

I an on vacation and it is good yesterday I took my little dude to the beach we had a good time. He is fearless in the surf me and him decided that we both want to live at the beach. Today was ok it has been raining most of today so I decided to rest today. I went and got kids from school and then took some water bottles to exchange them.
Here is the surprise I get home from the water place in the next town over 30 miles round trip (one of the reasons that I have a Toyota Corolla)
My wife tells me that work called me. Mr Lostinspace wants me to call him at home I call get bounced to his cell he tells me that I got to come in tomorrow to sign some paper work he will not tell me what it is.
I do know that i am going to ask for two more days of vacation.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yes that truck makes your penis look small

If you will notice the truck hangs over both ends of the parking space. The little car in front is mine it still fits even with the truck taking up two parking spots.

So today I when to see a family doctor to talk to her about getting a vasectomy. Just getting to see the doctor was a challenge the less then friendly person that was working at the front desk made me question the office, but I was traped into beening seen there. The less then friendly person refused to believed that I had an appointment that day in till I showed her a paper that i brought with me form a different provider in that clinic that I was scheduled to that day to see the doctor that day. I get back to see the doctor and she asks my some questions and tells me that she most likely not do the procedure for me and then does an exam and decides that I get to go see an Urologist.
I just don't under stand why is it that some people find it so hard to belive that I do not want to have any more kids at all. I know that the rest of the world finds partinting so fun and rewarding. I find it fun and rewarding aswell but, it is also the secound hardest thing that i have ever done in my life beening marrined is the only harder thing. I have at the young age of thirty decided that I only need to be married once and that I and now done with the stage of my life where raising babies is part of of what i want to do.
Mac Out

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Some Pics from the beach or the "surf that stoped the swim"

Emerald Isle tri

Today I did some that is fun. I ran the Emerald Isle Triathlon. I was happy that I got to run this one I was thinking that I would not get to run a tri this year. I was on a small read less then 5 acres
base in Iraq for the last year I got back to the world in late April my level of fitness was not there.
The race was fun I got there in time to pick a good spot the transition
area I set up my area and waited for the pre-race meeting. At the pre-race meeting found out that the buoys for the swim could not be set sooooooo. the tri turned in to a run bike. I was counting on the swim to warm my back up for a run but ok.
The Run was ok I had a 5k time of 25 minutes that was good and then came the bike.
The Bike was good the course was just less then 20 miles. I set out with a good spin to spin the run out of my legs and drink some water. I was heading out in to the wind but was riding strong in to the wind and realized that I brought a lot of life crap with me out on the bike. i when harder in to the wind and harder on the way back and left a lot of crap on the course and it was a good bike split too .
Mac Out

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

YOU WIN!!!! Now please just stop ok???

You Win.
This is a self pick I took the after noon of the day that I found out that I was getting put out of the Crops after 12 years of faithful service. 7 Deployments 3 in support of combat, 1 combat (year long) and all I get is a hard time as they kick me out the door.

I am pretty hurt right now. I tried as hard as could and in the end I did not get the job

It has been a ruff past couple of days
Yesterday I was released and sent to the back room to rot in till they can get rid of me. I did not take the news well......
I got lostinspace to let me go home I was not feeling good I called ahead and told my wife to take my guns out of the house. The football bat told lostinspace. lostinspace threatened me with a assault charge for that phone call then when he found out that my wife was only threatened by lostinspace's stupidly.
Not to be out done lostinspace held me ageist my will over night at the work site and then had me checked out by the company head doc.
The head doc said that it is time for me and the company to part ways
I think that sucks
Mac Out

Monday, October 15, 2007

Nothing like someone trying to run you over on your way to work

So today I was two streets down from my house on my way to work and this lady was driving with out looking and almost ran me over. I get to work and the Football Bat tries to give my Arabic lessons. I lived in Iraq for a year seeking Arabic and he looked up one word and now he thinks that he is a Arabic speaker I THINK NOT.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I think that it is time to get a new Job

Today was not much fun. I had the Martial Arts training this mooring it was not fun I just don't understand y people think that beating on outer people is fun I don't find the fun in it that is for sure. The more that I have learned about Martial arts the more i come to know that I am a gun fighter for sure.
And Then I got to the hanger. I am a plane mechanic. I find out that the director of the maintenance department wants to talk to me and after he Mr Lostinspace wants to get his rocks off yelling at me. He tried to get me detained by the company's securty be he did not like my attude his is a small man with even smaller manhood.
Mac Out

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting Hassled by da Man

I was thinking that maybe I would call this post Kuhn Fou Fighting. I work for a security company. The Company decided at all employees must attend a course in hand to hand fighting. The class that I am in is a good fit for me and think that I might like it. The Football Bat was so busy today with the job that his boss dumped on him that I think that it is funny he is so lost some times that it is funny.
Now Getting Hassled by DA Man The Company has it's own police I was leaving the campus at the gate to leave the cop at the gate stopped me at the gate to give me a hard time because I was riding my bike (bicycle) without holding on to the handle bars. I hate it when some punk with a badge has to push people around with his badge.
Mac out

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It is just more fun every day

So today......
I was on leave last week my wife had a surgery. Today i get back to work I needed to check out a pistol to go to the pistol range this week I did not get that done. now VP Lostinspace is going to yell at me like am a 5 year old kid I am sooo looking forward to this it is going to be fun, and then VP Lostinspace is going to have the BIG Boss put derogatory paper in my record and then if am real good I am going to have Lostinspace yell at me like a little kid.
I got to go to the shrink today it was s fun he listened to me talk about how stressed i am at work and how i am just fine and sane I just wish that Lostinspace would get that. Double Bonus I got to take a five HUNDRED fifty six question personally test it was all true false questions it was so fun.

Monday, October 8, 2007

This is me

I just learned how to put pics on this.
Mac Out

My first blog's first post

This is the first post to my blog. Today I rode the loop that i call county line. I call it that because I ride the full length of that road. I got to thinking about how much my job is making my life tough right now my boss is a football bat and will be called that from now on. the VP in charge of the devision that I work in is out to put me out of my job but for for him who will be called Lostinspace I am a contracted worker that is employed in till March 19 2008 and Lostinspace does not have an input in to my next contract. I was thinking about how hide in place in till Lostinspace moves on he is due the leave in a few Mouths and then things should be better.

The GOAL for the week started today is to get in a good work out every day and keep the junk food out of my face

Mac out